
RSS on the Visual Studio 2005 Start Page

Filed under: General — russell @ 9:05 pm

This courtesy of Dave at blogs.msdn

Here's a neat little trick which a lot of people don't seem to know about.

The information provided on the Visual Studio 2005 start page comes from the MSDN Visual Studio 2005 RSS feed. It turns out that the RSS source is configurable:

- Go to Tools->Options

- Select Environment/Startup

- Change "Start Page News Channel" to point to your favorite developer related RSS feed.

While I'd like to suggest http://blogs.msdn.com/federaldev/rss.aspx, you might want to check out http://msdn.microsoft.com/aboutmsdn/rss/ for a good list of alternatives. In case you decide that you want to go back to the orignal feed, just change the "Start Page News Channel" back to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=35587&clcid=0x409